Sunday Devotionals: Prayers to Helios 🌞

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. So they say. I'm still waiting to see if my efforts with Mars and Saturn have manifested like I had hoped, but I move onto more positive works now that those heavier invocations are done with.

The PGM is still new to me, but I was directed to the Consecration of the 12 Faces of Helios by someone in the online magick community. PGM IV1596-1715 shares 'a charm to restrain anger and for victory, and for securing favor (none is greater).' While this is consecration spell that's intended to bless a talisman, ring, or object, I spoke the words to have the effects of the charm influence myself directly. There is not much ritual described here in the PGM but I've seen others use chalk, olive oil, and moving about a chalk circle for full effect. So far I have done none of these things, and simply recited the words using incense, candles, and my DSIC table of practice. 

This is the second week in a row I've said the words and wanted to share this pic above: the candle melted into a sun disc shape, burnt for 8 hours, then evaporated entirely leaving me with no wax. 

More on the attorney talks later, but here's one thing: it is very likely that we'll settle outside of court and a resolution is on the horizon. As for the fate of the rent thief, I'm unsure what his life brings him but I am aware he's facing a felony charge for an unrelated offense. He had a busy summer, eh!


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