Court Case Magic
I'll be fighting a rent nonpayment suit against building management sometime in the year 2021. Building management has done all they can to make living here this year especially frustrating. Getting locked in elevators, snubbed and scoffed at over email, dealing with lobby break-ins, mail package theft, COVID-19 regulations cast to the winds, and receiving dubious threatening memos throughout the year. Enough is enough.
I've lived in this building for four years. This is the first year I've had to withhold rent because of true financial distress. Not to mention, we had a tenant bounce with 6 months of rent in his pocket before we settled this lease. Another tenant, who is not on the lease, is planning to visit another state and be there for over a month. I've been threatened just as harshly every year, but this year I'd like to act instead of react. I see the writing on the wall.
Here's my magic plan:
- Ophiel, Olympic spirit of Mercury: Make my arguments precise and concise as I plead my case to an attorney, and eventually a judge if it comes to it. Open roads for me, so that I may explore avenues to better defend myself or conclude this ordeal peacefully. I will do weekly offerings to Ophiel on his hour and not necessarily confined to Wednesdays.
- Prayer to Helios, an all-purpose solar consecration from the Greek Magick Papyri. May I retain grace, courage, and victory in my legal endeavors. I will do weekly offerings to Helios on Sundays on his hour.
- The great conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter approaches. I will speak to Cassiel as he moves from exalted Capricorn to Aquarius, and ask that I not suffer any judgments or debt that are not mine to bear. I will offer him incense and prayers weekly, on his day and hour.
- Mars continues to shine in Aries throughout the month of December. I will call on martial spirits to deliver the dishonest tenant's rent to myself or someone else on the lease. May justice fairly be dispensed between us all.
Here's my terrestrial plan to help the magic along:
- I am speaking with a free attorney from a legal aide helpline. I have submitted my court index number over to her, and will be filling out an intake form. The legal aid society has to vet me, see how much money I earn, etc. I pray that my situation and meager earnings, with hours cut due to COVID-19, will sway them to defend me. I've already asked Mars to help with this and will continue to do so.
- I have logged (attempted) communication with the tenant who left with his rent before the lease was settled. I also have several month's worth of email correspondence with the provocative building manager. All these documents are meant to illustrate that I have tried communicating with these parties and have ceased because it is not conducive or productive to do so.
While I'm writing about my living situation: Hail Cassiel! Thank you for tempering the issue between one tenant and myself who was establishing unhealth and unfair boundaries at the apartment. He has ceased this behavior and is working with me to secure legal aide, though he himself has not heard from an attorney.
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